Blue Vinyl (2002)
Partially one-sided, but an overall enjoyable account of an otherwise boring topic. ***Partial Spoilers***
29 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Here be spoilers to some degree. In an informative piece such as this movie I don't think it matters too much, but you've been warned.

I know most of you out there don't have PVC on your big list of killers, and that's OK. It's a pretty obscure and boring subject.

When I was flipping around and saw this title on HBO the first thing I thought was "ohh... blue vinyl" and thought I might see some skin. Instead, after a few seconds, I realized this was a documentary. Me, being the glutton for boring subject matter, decided to watch it.

While it is a little one sided, it gives an overall impression of the positives of convenience and the negatives of PVC and gives both opposing arguments from the industry and activists- ranging from the "end user" (her parents) to the ultra-hippie to the corporate exec. While the narrator does give an impression of her own view, it isn't to the point that disallows the viewer to still disagree easily; and that's a nice thing to have.

I loved the shots of people concerned with this issue going out and testing the air themselves, I liked how all involved were calm and overall respectful, and I most liked the opposition between the narrator and her parents. It really brings it down to home- the cost issues and unavailability of other materials was slightly anti-climatic, but gave a good feeling of what really goes on.

Good documentary. 7/10- Maybe not ready for mainstream, but demonstrates excellent promise. A more famous "documentary" maker could learn a thing or two from this girl.
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