A Chinese BLAIR WITCH PROJECT? You Be The Judge!
2 March 2002
Well, the best way to describe this is by calling it the Chinese BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Now, this doesn't do it justice and can be quite insulting because it's not nearly as bad as that BLAIR WITCH stinker. But it really p***ed me off because I was SO looking forward to seeing how it was all going to end. Just think BASKET CASE meets THE SIXTH SENSE starring Francis Ng. Yeah, I know, he's in just about everything now-a-days. It's a story of monster babies, ghosts, and good looking Chinese chicks centered around a radio station that asks it's callers to talk about the bizarre and the unexplainable. In it's favor, it's cleverly directed with nice camera sways, quick edits, and slow motion sequences. The tension builds from what at first seemed like a hoax to a full blown supernatural murder mystery. But in the end, it really drops the ball. Even though the import DVD that I bought had two different alternate endings, neither one seemed to wrap up the story and both left you hanging, which was a real let down, wondering why you even bothered to watch it in the first place. So with that in mind, I must give it a "thumbs down" for the most part even though I enjoyed the film up until the end which decayed into a "handheld camera bobbling around trying to focus on a mysterious figure in the distance and finally falls to the ground as it's owner is slain". Sound familiar?
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