Scary Movie 3 (2003)
Doesn't live up to the prequels
13 June 2004
Well, the movie has it's moments but it simply doesn't live up to the previous movies. To much of the same old same old. My favorite part was when the little kid was drawing dead people or whatever and Cindy finds the little book of the drawings of the girl and she's doing like a little dance or something. I thought that was pretty funny, don't ask why. The best actor int he movie was Charlie Sheen. He had some funny moments. However, the rest of the film proved to be a little boring. Many of the jokes fell flat. However, I do admire the new directors' attempts to move away from the perverted jokes of the first two movies but it seems that they couldn't replace them with anything better. Overall, I have to say I am a little disappointed but it's still worth seeing.
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