Not what I expected...
17 September 2003
Quite frankly, I found this film to be shocking and distasteful. Everything on the box indicated a feel good, coming of age teen comedy. I was quite surprised to find that this was not the case. I had been a big fan of the Blowjob Adventures of Dr. Fellatio films 1-15 (admittedly I missed number 16 as I had heard mixed reviews). Blowjob Adventures of Dr. Fellatio 17 is a complete rehash of the plot from Blowjob Adventures of Dr. Fellatio 9. Yeah right, as if we wouldn't notice. Oh sure, they covered it up with some plot twists, but the screenwriting here is flacid and lazy. The excessive use of voice over completely took me out of the experience of the film. Also, I found the composition to be lacking overall. The mise-en-scene was average at best. The acting shines in spots, but I really felt like Cinnabunz was phoning it in for this performance. She is capable of so much more. On the other hand, Pantrixxx shines as the loveable girl # 3. It is definitely her best role since Pleasure and Sin in 1999. A definite up and cummer in the industry, and no, that is not intended as a sexual reference, that is just a typo and I refuse to correct typos once they've been typed. On the whole, this film does not possess a clear narrative, and it is an example of failed potential. Hopefully Dale Jordan will be able to produce another film with the raw energy of his earlier efforts like It Don't Matter, Just Don't Bite It 7. We all know he is capable of greatness, as he also hemmed the script for Cumback Pussy 48. Come on Dale, you can do better than this and you know it.
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