Review of Kuutamolla

Kuutamolla (2002)
A film with flair and attitude
3 March 2003
This film is about Iiris, a young woman who works in a bookstore, loves movies, and can quote lines from "Taxi Driver" like second nature who is satisfied with her life and being alone. She meets an aspiring film maker, Marko, who loves movies just as much as her and they hit it off great. But she soon finds out that love is not like in the movies-- and true feelings don't always run deep.

Defunct relationships are shown, and true love is strongly doubted in this film. Her dilemmas are very realistic and this film shows the true side of relationships. Although this film can cater to the views of bitter and cynical people, it is a harsh view of love, and what it brings. I myself am glad the film can counter the trite and clichéd with new and different. The cinematography uses time-lapse photography, the hand-held camera effect at times, and many jump cuts, making the film itself very interesting to watch. Although some criticize it for being too long, I think the length is necessary to show the feelings of the characters and the changes that take place. The end of the film could have a couple of interpretations, but you will just have to see the film and decide for yourself.
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