Review of Deep Shock

Deep Shock (2003 TV Movie)
Trolling for a new weekly series
12 August 2003
This is one of what appears to be several attempts of the SciFi channel at securing a new weekly series. (Riverworld, Momentum, Alien Hunter, Epoch) This time it is giant alien eels who are preparing the earth for reclamation by its original owners, whoever that might be, by melting the polar ice caps. In the end the good scientist somehow manages to communicate with them and they get locked away in the remains of the Hubris undersea research station which conveniently sinks with them inside it. It's easy to see how this could evolve into a series with the question each week of "Will the earths owners come back or not?) Like all of the these movies that the SciFi channel has put on they come on at 9:00PM on Saturday (at least in my area). They are interesting until about half-way through and they loose steam. The ending always leaves many unanswered questions which could conveniently be dealt with in a weekly series. As far as the storyline goes there is one major flaw in the concept. According to the scenario presented if the polar ice cap melted the resulting lose of land mass due to flooding is way, way off. A graphic presented in the movie showed that 90% of all land mass would be under water. This is simply not the case. Even if both polar ice caps melted, (in the movie only the Arctic ice mass was being melted) ocean levels in the world would rise about 60-100 feet. While this would be devastating to all coastal cities it would not, as indicated in the movie, flood all of the United States except the High Sierra Nevada Mountains. The far greater problem with a disappearing polar ice sheet would be the complete disruption of the weather pattern as we now know it. I also was annoyed with the cliche ridden depiction of the military. Even after it was very clearly demonstrated that any form of aggression against these "eels" would result in complete destruction of the aggressor no one except the good scientists were getting the message. I served in the military and can say that if one battle strategy fails it is never repeated over and over again giving opportunity after opportunity for failure. All in all it was a disappointing film. I'll keep watching however because I am a SciFi junkie.
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