How does crap like this get produced?
6 July 2003
I agree with the previous reviewer who also apparently thought that the characters were often laughing for no apparent reason. In particular, the actress playing "Cat" (Jenny McShane) often seemed to have facial expressions that were inappropriate for what was happening at the time. Watch her during the dinner scene, as well as after she fails in her attempt to rescue the girl whose parachute had been pulled down by the shark. I couldn't tell if she was laughing or crying in that scene!

I've read a little bit about the Megalodon on various websites, and although it was apparently a very large shark, could it really have taken in a small powerboat in one gulp?

An even more ridiculous scene in the movie is when the big, bad corporation is taking people out for a fundraising cruise on a large yacht. When the shark makes its appearance, person after person goes flying off the decks of the boat, even jumping off with and without life preservers, EVEN THOUGH THE BOAT ISN'T SINKING! The shark has tossed it around a bit, but there was no water coming into the boat. Nevertheless, person after person plunges into the water (of course, if they didn't go into the water, they couldn't be eaten by the shark!).

To sum up, bad acting and an implausible storyline get this movie "two thumbs down".
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