Zombiegeddon (2003 Video)
jesus and nudity? How can you go wrong!
15 July 2003
I caught this bad boy at a showing in a Tulsa Oklahoma theater. The title made me think I was getting in for a cheesefest. Conrad Brooks is in it too so it has to be REALLY bad doesn't it? Well, no. See what makes this flick stand out is that it's far different from anything else I've seen. It's not Romero that's for sure. Think Romero with a little Lloyd Kaufman with a little Larry Cohen. I sat through the entire film and was not bored. That does not happen very often. At one point things in the film are happening so fast it felt chaotic and that's exactly what I'd imagine the filmmakers wanted you to feel. They wanted you to actually get in the movie. Now I don't want to sound like I'm totally praising the film because it's not THAT good but it's not bad either. It's one of those low budget shot on video horror films so how can you go in expecting much? Then we've got the title and the fact Conrad Brooks and Joe Estevez are in it. How can you expect much? What you can expect is a good time. I think anyone who actually knows this convention like list of horror stars will have an absolute blast. If you're looking for A grade acting with an incredible beautiful story go rent Hamlet. If you're looking for a nasty good time rent Zombiegeddon.
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