pretty good stuff
24 October 2003
the movie it self is not much but although is a pleasure to watch it because it's that kind of relaxing movies. Still i recognize that i haven't seen the first part so it might be boring for the viewers of the complete series, i don't know that. Have you ever wondered if you have the power to go back in time knowing your past world history what would it be if you change it acccording to your good-right moral sistem, would it really be in for a better world? what if hitler would never existed, what if something have had worked in other way that you really knew but if someone had changed before you have ever been born, how can you know that it was the other way around, It's a puzzle allright but a nice one. Only they know the real truth, only they are allowed to travel through time to put history on the natural course, to be sure that what time sealed by its passing would stay the same. It's a lousy job because only them know if they failed or suceeded because they are the only ones that can see the history changes.The time cops are the ones you owe your present life because they defend it by defending the lives of your ancestors. My advice:see the movie cause it will be a pretty nice experience. And if after you saw it you will begin to wonder, let's be realistic:nobody can travel through time!:))
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