not too bad...
28 February 2004
A lot better than the first actually. You know, if TEC actually did exist, they'd have to be guarding Hitler around the clock I'm sure, he'd be a pretty popular target for rogue time travelers. No wonder he was so paranoid... By the way I find it amusing that although Hitler was very obviously portrayed, all the characters never mention him by name, ever. Remnids me of that Justice League episode...

Anyway, for some odd reason time travel is actually more dangerous than it was in the first movie, with risks to cellualar stability and all, although only one person dies as a result of this. I can olny imagine this was supposed to make the time jumps more dramatic having that risk, but really seems kind of pointless to me.

Is unique in that the main antagonist is someone who wants to change history for the better rahter than just get short term gains from it like in the first. However how that philosophy ties into preventing the existance of every TEC agent is beyond me... all that seems more tying into avenging his wife's death than his orginal mission.

As the villain tries to prevent the existance of Chan, you see a pretty big logical flaw in his initial target... Now I suppose the chinese guy you see in 1881 Texas is more logically Chan's ancestor than Jason Anderson, who actually is. However, the only reason he knew to go back there is the genealogical database that named the time and place AND NAME of the ancestor, and I serouisly doubt one would think that chinese guy was someone named ANDERSON. If he though it was, he's an idiot, and if he didn't, than he killed somoene just for the heck of it, which kind of contradicts his altruistic intent of changing histroy for the better.

Another logical flaw is his jump to the dance hall in 1988... I seriously doubt the genealgical database specifically pointed out specifically when and where Chan's parents would be dancing... logically it would make more sense to attack them at their wedding, or their home, or something of that nature. It must be a very detailed database to point out their attendance at that dance... I don't know, maybe that's where they met or something, but seems a rather personal fact to be put into a database that's just supposed to be describing ancestry of TEC agents. Though watching Chan's reaction to seeing his parents dancing to 80's music is solid gold, still can;t stop laughing at that. That almost ranks up there with catching your parents having sex, it really weirds you out to see your parents that way.

The final fight just seems silly... I think Jason Scott Lee forgot he wasn't playing Bruce Lee for a few minutes. Hope he doesn't get typecast because of that movie.

Overall a fairly decent ride, movie does flow well.
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