Review of The Guys

The Guys (2002)
Bit of a Spoiler (long and mushy, lol)
7 September 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I think that this is one of the best movies I have ever seen, that are supposed to be true to life- I will admit that it was kind of slow, but, looking at the whole picture, and knowing the pain that I felt and that I know thousands and thousands of other people must have felt at that time, including those who were directly affected by this travesty, I feel very sad. I will readily and unashamedly say that I cried throughout the entire movie- not just because those firemen (policemen, office workers, innocent bystanders, and those on the airplanes) lost their lives doing their jobs, or going on about their daily lives but also because it was a senseless act of terrorism. Nothing is worth the price of hundreds of innocent lives- nothing except freedom- and even that, I'm not so sure I agree with but I will fight, if it comes down to it, I will fight for the freedom of this country and for our people. But, I'm digressing. This movie reminded me that America is a wonderful place to live, and no matter how bad we think we have it here, imagine, first of all, how the families who lost a loved one feel, and secondly, how the people in other countries must feel facing this terrorism every day. It reminded me that those rescue workers gave their lives to save others- despite the large number of people lost, they were doing their best to do what they could to save as many people as humanly possible- they did it unselfishly, and bravely. I'm sure they might have been afraid, I know we all probably were, but my definition of bravery is not being without fear, it's using fear against itself to do what needs to be done in the face of adversity. The only thing the movie, imo was trying to portray was that those 8 firemen were doing just that. They gave so much of themselves in life, and died doing just that- giving of themselves, with no concern of what would happen to them, only the concern of what would happen to those who were unable to escape. I think that it conveyed that point extremely well and also showed the true human emotion of life and death. FDNY, PDNY, all the survivors of 9/11 and all those who were lost to hate and terrorism, I salute you- I also salute the United States of America, for all of us- for we have banded together to become a stronger and better nation. Thank you Anne Nelson.
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