Softcore Porn at its worst
20 April 2003
I rented this movie because it seemed so ridiculous and I thought it would be hilarious. I was expecting something like Dreamquest as well. Boy was I wrong. The acting in this movie was horrible, but that doesn't usually bother me in porn, but all of the sex scenes were virtually the same. They tried to make them more interesting by adding more and more girls each time, but they all consisted of the same thing. I was bored of the movie after about the first ten minutes, but I made myself watch it, hoping it would get better. It got worse. When the character of Sourass was introduced, it all went to hell. THis character's power was to suffocate people by farting on them. All of the scene changes consisted of cgi pic of castles, but none of the scenes took place in a castle so it didn't make any sense. On a positive note, the women in this were cute for the most part and there were some funny moments, but I would stay far far away from this unless you like repetitive softcore porn and disgusting, childish fart jokes.
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