Nousukausi (2003)
dumb people in a pretty dumb flick.
14 September 2004 if you don't get easily upset at how stupid someone can be, i guess the movie can be funny. otherwise, it's just horribly dumb. yes, there are the usual "lessons" to be picked up at the film; it is not completely trash... it's just dumb. that's all. i don't know these actors, it's the first time i have ever seen them but they seem like they can do something so much more, something better. maybe they should have inserted some sense of reality in the film... like making them less dumb, because i really don't think someone can be that gullible. if the director's intention was to make it a mild, feel-good kind of movie, he should have skipped all the drama and the betrayal in it, but then, what would become of the story?
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