I enjoyed this film, even if it's slow.
12 April 2004
this is a movie for:

-people who enjoy character-driven dramas.

-people who appreciate patient directors who are detail-oriented

-those who enjoy situational humor over gag or gross humor

-and really, for anyone who likes stories of friendship and camaraderie.

Yes, the movie is pleasant. All this said however, the movie is slow, and I left the theater wanting something more.

Essentially, the movie deals with the silly methodology of Swedish scientists who design kitchen layout: they send "observers" into people's houses to observe their usage patterns. Sitting in a high chair in the corner, they are supposed to be objective and totally non-communicative. It's pure madness.

Needless to say, the story evolves when this situation, awkward even for the audience, is broken in favor of contact.

A very simple story, and it's nice to see an old recluse enjoy a birthday, have a friend, and smile. Still, it takes a half hour to get into the story, and then, when it's finally over, it's as if nothing ever happened and that little bit that did exist evaporates abruptly into thin air. A strange feeling really.

Personally, I like dramas of epic, period, foreign and/or abnormal style and this benign parable lags. However, I reveled in the tacit bond visible in the actors eyes and their energy was infectious. This kind of finesse is rare in these days of ADD and bloated SFX budgets, and for this I appreciate Bent Hamer's patience and sense of perspective. Expect an earnest simplicity the likes of "Fried Green Tomatoes".

6/10, JCC
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