Nothing to care about.
6 September 2003
At the beginning of the film the viewer knows nothing about any of the people with whom Lara is associating. Most get killed rather early on, but since the viewer has no clue who they are, who's to care?

Jolie, Butler, Hinds, Taylor, and Barrie are the only actors who's characters are developed in the slightest. And the body of knowledge viewers come to have of them is razor thin. Taylor and Barrie are completely wasted, having nothing to do. Hinds and Jolie are wasted because they're like cold dead fish in all but a couple scenes each. Butler is just annoying. There was no wit. No humor. Nothing to break up this icy dull drama that took itself WAY too serious for an action flick, especially one based on a video game.

TR2 is nothing but a big stream of stunts and effects without the slightest reason to care why anything is taking place, including the many deaths. A stunt person with no acting experience would have done nicely in any or all of the roles.

The soundtrack was confusing, noisy, and far overstated. Since when does someone hopping over a dead body make a sound like a golf club swooshing through the air amplified through the PA system at a heavy metal concert? WAS there music in there? I didn't notice.

The editing was dreadful! I could swear the person in charge of it grew up watching MTV on fast forward? Maximum chaos.

The only good thing in the entire picture is some of the very scenic cinematography, made all the more impressive as i viewed the film on an IMAX-like super large screen.

This ghastly glob of noise pollution should have been left in the can!
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