Sleepless Nights (II) (2022 Video)
Interesting and effective
26 November 2003
Sleepless Nights manages to remain interesting and effective by highlighting its talented cast, which is its strongest asset. The film, for the most part, steers clear of the sort of elaborate special effects (and action sequences) that seem to be de rigeur for this type of film. The script, by director William Hopkins, is straightforward and involving, and his direction serviceable enough, favoring cuts between static shots over elaborate camera movement. I think the biggest compliment I can pay this film is that it manages to avoid looking like another Blade/Underworld rip-off. Though its old-fashioned approach to the genre may make it boring to those brought up on such action fare as the Blade films, it should find a ready audience among those partial to older vampire films and television series like Dark Shadows. With most of the film taking place at night and in candlelit rooms, the film has a dark, creepy atmosphere which, if you like that sort of thing, almost compensates for the absence of any real scares (but then again, when was the last time you saw a vampire movie that was really scary??)

It's easy to imagine this little gem becoming a favorite of vampire fans in years to come. In the long annals of vampire movie history, it should definitely qualify for an honorable mention.
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