Beats out RAW
22 August 2003
IMO, NWA: TNA is the best wrestling you can watch in America. Plain and simple. WWE RAW is just an awful show. In the last couple of years the best episodes of RAW have been average shows. And most shows have been just horrible. WWE SmackDown on the other hand has some fantastic wrestling. Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Benoit, etc. All great wrestlers. But the show suffers from too much McMahons. Vince really does think that the people would rather see him and his daughter than actual wrestling. And on top of that some of the best talent is so under used it's almost criminal. Zach Gowen didn't wrestle for months, Spanky and Ultimo Dragon never get to wrestle on the main show. Matt Hardy can't get a steady push to save his life, etc.

So if you're sick of all that as I am you'll want to check out NWA: TNA. This show is just fantastic. You know you'll recognize a lot of people even if you've never seen TNA before. Road Dogg (who now goes under the name BG James), Konnan, K Kwik (now known as Ron Killings), D'Lo Brown, Raven, Crash Holly (now known as Mad Mikey) and Jeff Jarrett are all on often. Then there are some of the hottest talent in the indy scene today. AJ Styles, Chris Daniles, Elix Skipper, Jerry Lynn, America's Most Wanted, Chris Sabin. These guys are all fantastic wrestlers and bust their asses each week.

Now a lot of you might think $9.99 a week is a lot to ask for wrestling, but think about it. A month's worth of TNA shows costs as much as one WWE PPV. And you get 5 more hours. What would you be missing by not ordering the next WWE PPV? Remember Backlash of 2003? Bad Blood? Would you really have been sad not to see those shows?
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