Lives up to it's name
24 August 2004
TNA is the best wrestling in the industry now. I'm not talking about money and big stars like the WWE. WWE has money and fame, but do they have talent? John Bradshaw Layfield is a main star, a champion. Come on. Seriously, the guy can't put on a match without putting me to sleep. Oh, and the Undertaker is facing JBL. BORING. WWE has HANDFULS of boring stars and story lines. I watched RAW last night and it was the worst ever. A 20 minute diva storyline, Jericho vs. Edge with a stupid ending, a bunch of Evolution segments, Williams Regal vs. Ric Flair which was boring as hell, and a wedding. Wow, 1, 2. 2 matches. Pathetic. 2 matches on their Flagship show. That's truly sad. WWE is boring. Their gimmicks, story lines, and top stars are boring.

Now TNA, that's where it's at. Sure, they don't have stardom. Who cares? I mean, I would much rather watch Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles then Undertaker vs. JBL. TNA has fast paced action with the top indy stars. Everyone dislikes it because the stars aren't well known. Who gives a rats ass if they aren't well known? I see a bunch of Mordecai and Luther bandwagoners, are they well known? I didn't think so.

TNA has the top stars in the indy scene today: AJ Styles, CM Punk, "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, Low Ki, Jeff Hardy, Raven. WWE has top stars, but can they use them right? Only the sloppy ones. I mean Chris Jericho is an UPPER MIDCARDER for crying out loud. An UPPER MIDCARDER! He at least deserves to be a main eventer, come on!

I watch Impact and Xplosion every week. And to tell you the truth, I enjoy XPLOSION, that's right, it's TNA's version of Heat, more then RAW. Xplosion is better then RAW. A few recaps, lots of fast paced matches, packaged into one hour. It's great.

The PPVs, well they won't be there for long. I know, 10 bucks for a 2 hour event isn't that great. It isn't. I admit, I couldn't afford it every week. But it blew me away all the time and it was 10x better then RAW. But guys, don't worry. These PPVs will be GONE September 8th.

Soon, TNA will compete with WWE. And in my eyes, they are going to win. If fans want to be fanboys and decide Undertaker and JBL are good wrestlers, then WWE might slide through. But once people watch TNA, they get blown away. I know a few people that hated it. They never watched it. Once they did, they loved it and watch it every week.

~~Viva La TNA~~
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