...a thought provoking and insightful film.
18 May 2004
Mr. and Mrs. Iyer deals with many prevalent issues existing with in India today. It is a social commentary on the class system, religious warfare and gender inequalities. The film is shot beautifully, juxtapopposing the beauty of nature against the 'uncivilised' capacity that us humans have to bestow on one another. The script is written thoughtfully setting up charged dynamics between the main characters Raja and Meenakshi.

Konkona Sen Sharma's performance is delightful with her authentic accent and mannerism of a South Indian. Rahul Bhose performance is sensual and heartfelt, portraying depth and breadth.

The wonderful thing about this film is that although it focuses on a particular situation, it illustrates issues that exist worldwide, in all walks of life, simply manifesting themselves in different situations. Meenakshi faces constrictions throughout life due to her gender, she is constricted and faces the 'glass ceiling'. She longs to be free and to live life freely as Raj does. Raj is free is every sense of the word, physically he is free to roam the world. He is also free from the psychological limitations from which Meenakshi suffers, that of class and caste bound prejudice. The religious warfare shown is a very current issue, with fundamentalism at its most notorious in years.

Definitely worth seeing. 8/10.
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