Torque (2004)
Bike fighting.... BIKE FIGHTING
19 January 2004
I never miss the chance to see movies for free and having friends that work in the theatre, I see a ton of movies (but pay for the ones I enjoyed). The other night I got to see Torque. I didn't expect much with this movie and couldn't wait at the chance to heckle it. But when it started, it was as if a blast wave of crap hit my face while my mouth was open. I was blinded, and had a bad taste in my mouth. Now I don't enjoy a lot of movies out there (because I want to be a filmmaker and know I can do better) but sometimes that one movie comes along and makes you wonder, "people REALLY enjoy this?" Whats next from the producers of this film, "2 Torque'd"? This movie is a definate case of STYLE over substance. I can deal with crappy movies made from novels, video games and other media but I can't deal with crappy movies that are defecated out of the blue. This movie made my mind sad and now I need to go watch some BOONDOCK SAINTS to feel better.
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