snips, snails, puppy-dog entrails
2 November 2003
an interesting and surprisingly rhapsodic slasher film, 'little erin merryweather' combines fairy-tale imagery, classic horror genre elements, romantic comedy elements, and burton-esque flights of fancy to tell the story of a little girl who is 'lost in the woods' due to scarring abuse as a child. the setup and plot progression are typical (and almost dull in their by-the-book crime thriller development), but the proceedings are boosted by some suprisingly strong performances (particularly the psych teacher) and a creepy, sing-songy lilt that i've never really seen before in this type of film (i can only compare it to "dead of winter", "jack be nimble", and "the company of wolves", although i can't even really say why). deliciously eerie childlike music and fantastic illustrations and voiceover let on from the start that this is not your typical cut-em-up, but then fairly standard scare scenes bring you back to the reality that yes, it may be just that. left a somewhat stale taste in my mouth due to the demonisation of a victim of abuse (a tired and potentially insulting thriller theme that's been virtually abandoned), but earned definite points for its clean, economic direction and unique tone. i'd like to see more from these guys. screened at the nychff.
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