Porn 'n Chicken (2002 TV Movie)
Will challenge your moral, philosophical and humanitarian values...
22 October 2002
This movie was such a stinker that I'm embarrassed to admit I even wasted my time watching it, much less even more of my time commenting on this sorry spectacle.

I thought it was going to be a funny and zany movie, but... this movie just isn't funny!! It tries (very lamely, too) to be a hip and edgy variation on various campus-based movies such as "PCU", "Dead Man on Campus", "Animal House" and "American Pie".

But it doesn't work. None of the characters are really likeable or compelling, the story premise is ridiculous, and really, I think most viewers are still more than a little uncomfortable with the whole notion of unabashed pornography in society. All the more so in the midst of the college campus environment. Say what you will, but most people still consider admission to college an honor and a privilege, not to be taken lightly. Some people, amazingly enough, still hold to the hope that our youth are our future. This movie seems to dump massive amounts of excrement as well as other bodily fluids on that notion.

True, some of this was based on actual events at a college campus somewhere in the U.S.A. But, having been in college myself, I can assure the rest of the world that, by and large, young Americans have much higher ideals and aspirations than those portrayed in this cheesy sexploitation movie. So don't come over here to America assuming that every college dorm on every college campus is an XXX-rated movie set with sex orgies going on around the clock. (Or maybe it's just that nobody ever bothered to invite me to one when I was in college.)

These are just my personal opinions, of course. Your mileage may vary...
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