Garden State (2004)
Best trailers(s) so far this year.
12 April 2004
1. Garden State - the music, what else; I also want to find out what that guy is doing with a cigarette and bow and arrow..

2. Man on Fire (1st) - The Shield theme that opens it; the NIN song that closes it; Denzel laying out his plans for the bad guys; and, could Dakota say the name "Creasy" a few more times please!

3. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (1st) - a sheer what the f*ck is going on spirit! You know you're in for something either really, really special, or just plain not accessible at all. That song is on my iPod, obviously..

4. Van Helsing - special effects look great, especially Wolfman, and Frankenstein tossing the title character from way high up; also, Kate looks delish!

5. Walking Tall - the brief scene with Rock and Knoxville: "Where'd you learn that?".. "Cops".. "That's a good show" -- it plays differently (and much worse) in the actual movie, but the way Rock says his line in the trailer cracked me up something fierce..
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