Ms Woods Goes to Washington
15 July 2003
This is a much better film than people are willing to give credit for.

Audiences saw the first "Legally Blonde" and wanted a repeat -- well this is not a formulaic repeat but instead a sequel that hopefully will make viewers think.

There was a very strong message here: how does the legislative branch of American Government work? And more important how does it not work?

The ever-idealistic Elle Woods goes to Washington, DC, to make a point and, at first, fails miserably. But the right shall win out!

Sally Field plays her nemesis -- always seeming to support -- but is she really? Quite an interesting departure from the "goody-two-shoes" that Ms Field usually plays: "I'll get you and your little doggie too."

Jennifer Coolidge reprises her original role -- and is painfully reduced to a bit part rather than the hilarious character that should have been written.

When Elle visits the Lincoln Monument there is an evocation of the greatest of dumb blond films -- "Born Yesterday" -- for which Judy Holliday won the Best Actress Oscar. I am not willing to say that Ms Witherspoon's performance is on a par with Judy Holliday's; but the mise-en-scene and the overall feel of the moment are exactly right.

The photography of Washington, DC, was probably the best I have ever seen... We have all seen pictures of the Washington Monument or the Lincoln Memorial -- but not in the vision that they were photographed for this film. They took on the otherworldly image that they should always be imbued with -- they became more real than real -- if possible.

Do not sell this film short just because it is different from the first... Viewers made that mistake with "The Thin Man" films too... This is (or should be) a long-running franchise that will continue to entertain for years to come.
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