25 February 2004
We just got home, after seeing this film. I'm exhausted! Mel Gibson has outdone himself and most anybody else, with this effort. His directing and the acting are excellent, and the actors fit their roles perfectly. The scenes between Jesus and his Mother were most moving to me. The settings are just as we all imagine them to be, I expect. The music is beautiful and sets the mood in every scene. Even the length of the film is good - only two hours. So often when there is great hype, the film doesn't live up to expectations. We were well pleased. For my husband and me, having read many reviews, along with the progress of this movie to the theaters, we thought we were prepared, but it was even bigger than anticipated. I've read David Denby's (negative) review in The New Yorker magazine, and wonder what is wrong with him. To call The Passion anti-semitic is a mistake. It was People and Religion who were the culprits (any Religion could have been involved). Everyone should see this. And it seems that this is what is happening. The shows here have all been sold out today. Way to go, Mel!
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