Beyond Words
8 September 2004
I recently finished watching this movie. There are really no words that can be used to describe it. Calling it a masterpiece doesn't really do it justice because it's infinitely better than that. This was the most realistic, accurate and beautiful portrayal of Jesus I have ever seen. A close second is the movie THE MIRACLE MAKER. Being that is animation and this is live action, I'm not going to compare the two.

As I was watching the movie I did notice some inaccuracies in the movie that did not appear in the Bible, but because it's a movie that's expected. This movie was completely amazing. I smell multiple Oscars (Best Director, Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Wardrobe) Mel Gibson is a genius. A lot of people say this movie is anti-semitic, but that's so far from the truth. This movie is about compassion, love and forgiveness. Anyone who claims that this movie is remotely close to being anti-semitic has got serious issues.

Unfortunately I never saw this movie in the theater as that would have broadened the experience for me. I borrowed the DVD from a friend, but I will buy it as soon as I can. This is a must have for everyone. It truly is the most accurate depiction of the crucifixion I've ever seen. Someone on IMDb who reviewed the movie said that the beating was unrealistic because nobody could have taken abuse like that and lived. The truth is that the movie, as accurate as it was, was too kind. Jesus DID get beaten, and this movie does show us an extremely severe beating as well as severe punishment.

The truth of the matter is that The Bible says that Jesus was marred more than any other man. In reality, when Jesus was crucified, his beard was RIPPED out of his face. He was completely UNRECOGNIZABLE when he was on the cross. Just think, He did that for you and me. So to say that the beatings in the movie were unbelievable is incorrect.

I rate all movies on a scale of 1-5 (1 - not worth seeing for free; 2 - worth seeing for free; 3 - worth paying to see; 4 - worth paying to see again; 5 - worth buying.) This movie goes above and beyond 5. It is essential for anyone who calls themselves a Christian and for movie lovers alike. At best, this movie cannot be described in all of its glory. Thank you Jesus for what You've done, and thank you Mel Gibson for having the faith, courage and inspiration to put this to film.
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