L.A. Cold
28 July 2004
Warning: Spoilers

I'm reasonably sure there wasn't a single fight between two homeless people throughout the whole film. In that light, the producers claims to expose the nature of conflict resolution amongst the homeless are hubris. The producers further claim to report on growing homelessness and global hypocrisy and other topics cadged from university seminars. How? By subjecting said homeless to humiliation and physical injury.

Here's an observation - if anyone's thinking about making a video similar to this, watch the last 'Bumhunter' episode again. A hypodermic needle is plainly visible on the ground amongst the homeless guy's effects. During the ensuing scuffle between the 'Bumhunters' and the target, the Bumhunter in black will charge right over top of the needle, while the Bumhunter in khaki is bitten by the homeless guy. I wouldn't be surprised if one or both of them made the biggest mistake of their lives.

The real reason it was made was to raise their profile and make money for feature films. I hear van der Beek's available; put him in plastic restraints and leave the street people alone.

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