Review of Grind

Grind (2003)
I wish I would have walked out after the previews
22 August 2003
First off, I have been skateboarding for a few years now, so my bias is automatically going to be that this movie is only taking advantage of the recent popularity of skateboarding. But for the heck of it, I gave the movie a chance. When I walked into the theater, I noticed that there were maybe 10-20 other people. Never a good sign. The movie begins, and this is when the real joke began. The movie portrays the sport of skateboarding as a big flashy show with hot bikini babes running around. There is so much more to it than big shot names in big shot competitions. With several failed attempts at making the movie a comedy as well, this movie did not manage to make me laugh once. Replayed jokes and reused character styles make this movie a giant re-run. The plot was very predictable with the ever present "lets accomplish something, we fail a few times, and then when all seems lost, we finally succeed." Don't waste your time on this one. It was a sad attempt at exploiting the quickly growing popularity of skateboarding.
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