Review of Gone

Gone (2002)
Maybe some people just don't know what a good movie is...
6 August 2004
One of the reviewers here wrote: "Good acting, good special effects, great location. Even better ending. " All I can say is, "Ugh." This movie was painful to watch. Let me start by saying this: I am a Christian- considered extremely conservative by many people I know. So, what I am about to say is not biased by the"Christian content" of the film. I'm not gonna bash it because it's Christian. I am gonna give it a 1/10 because it's a horrible movie. The writing is bad- over the top, WAY too preachy, and much of the "preachy" stuff is just plain irrelevant to the story. It just makes for bad scriptwriting.

Whether I agree with the screenwriter's beliefs is irrelevant- make a good script that flows well, stays on track, and is believable. The acting was amateurish at best. But hey, when you cast amateurs, you get amateur performances. Dirk Been may have been on "Survivor," but that show requires ZERO acting ability. Playing on his name and reputation to sell units is in bad taste. Cast unknowns who can act and you'll have a much better film.

The effects were HORRIBLE. The scene with the hail and the subsequent falling of the stars was embarrassing to watch. And what was so great about the ending? It made no sense.Yeah, I know what Tim Chey was going for, but it missed the mark, big-time. I bought this film and expected so much more based on reviews and the misinformation on their website. And, although I was hoping for more, I got what I always get when I watch "Christian" films- an under budget, poorly written, pathetically acted, badly produced piece of ka-ka. Maybe someday, someone will finally step up to the plate with an end-times film as well-written and as well-made as Gibson's "Passion..." was. 1/10 stars.
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