Highwaymen (2004)
Caviezel as Mad Max ...
10 February 2004
The premise of "Highwaymen" focuses on a psycho who revs up his 1972 El Dorado to deliberately run down the gal of 'Rennie Cray' (Caviezel). This drives Rennie crazy and he vows to destroy the killer, who continues to make a lasting impression on people with his car.

Its obvious Caviezel was cast in this film to look like Mel Gibson's "Mad Max", as the film hits and runs with numerous high speed road rages and spectacular crashes.

Rhona Mitra as the beautiful 'Molly', meets up with Rennie after her blonde girlfriend is reduced to roadkill. Molly provides the only sex in the film when she asks Rennie to turn away so she can change her torn blouse. Unfortunately the camera turns away at that point too.

Colm Feore as the Polaroid-snapping, prosthetically-challenged bad guy 'Fargo', sounds like Hal 9000 over a CB throughout most of the film, but what little screen time he does get, its 'Hannibal Lecter' meets "Demon Seed", doing wheelies in an electric chair.

"Highwaymen" is as fast 'n furious as they come, but some action fans may feel like they've been taken for a ride ...
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