Heart-jumpingly scary
13 March 2004
This short film managed to do what no other horror film has done since I was a child and actually genuinely frightened me out of my seat.

The structure of the film is such that the mundane, almost long-winded build up lulls the viewer into a false sense of security so that when the pay-off comes it really bangs you over the head.

In some ways, this is a film that you can't really recommend to anyone by saying what a good scare it is because it seems to work best when sprung on the viewer as a complete surprise. Of course, this makes it difficult to know how to suggest it to anyone else. What it really needs is to be "discovered" by the viewer, late at night when he/she is just idly watching whatever is on. Perhaps that's the level on which it works best.

None of this is to run down the film at all which I maintain is excellent, and it would be nice to see the obvious talents of those involved being expanded. It just seems that the very act of being told about it lessens the impact of seeing it, which is a problem when you're trying to get people interested in it...
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