Loosing touch with magic.
31 August 2003
Where's the touch of magic Disney studio's used to have with every movie they made? I don't know. If you know, tell me! New movies like Nemo still reach the public, but even there I see a constant repeating of things I have seen in movies before. In every Disney/Pixar movie they seem to need to show toys laying around from Toy Story. And every new movie has the repeating thing of Simba in The Lion KIng. As for the video's and all the sequels, this is the last one I have bought. All these numbers II, I will ignore from now on when I walk through the store.

Milo's return is nothing more than 3 short stories, which misses the charm of the first movie Atlantis. The only reason to make such sequels seems to me to get some money easily out of the pockets of ignorant parents who are willing to buy anything 'disney' for their spoiled kids, without even thinking about quality. Why is Disney leaving the 'yellow brick road' they were walking on? There are numerous stories around the world that have the magic Disney used to bring to us in it's classics.

I will always be a Disneyfan in heart and soul, but at the moment it only means that I play the old classics over and over again, eagerly waiting for the day that Disney 'comes back to it's senses' instead of bringing us such bad sequels as 'Pocahontas II', 'Hunchback of Notre Dame II' and 'Cinderella II'.
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