8 March 2003
Seán Cullen has been waiting for this for a long time, and I don't think he was disappointed. It's a bit obvious that he had a lot of control over the development;it's enjoyable, creative, weird, and funny, mostly in that order. Seán's first priority is always to entertain. He seldom gives out a big, cheap laugh, but he creates an atmosphere that defies you not to at least smile. He makes great inside jokes (Ex: Gordon Pinsent derails a cat) and he knows how to exhibit Canadian culture in a fresh way (unlike Jonothan Torrens in John Cross's Canada which is an example of how annoying people can be when they preach our culture instead of simply enjoying it).

Taking down the third wall by including the audience is quite ironic too, because the show doesn't really bring him into your living room for a half hour as it brings you into Seán's living room -or mind- for a half hour. Including the audience together in the dialogue has been done a bit before, but Seán even brings them to participate in small contests with actually good prizes. Seán Cullen is quickly becoming one of the most entertaining comedians in Canada and is breathing fresh life into the CBC.
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