De-Lovely (2004)
Only movie I've ever walked out of.
28 July 2004
I want you to read this carefully and I want you to let it sink in: This was the worst movie I have EVER seen. I say this without exaggeration, and after carefully considering the film and just how horrible it was. Now think about that, of all the movies I have ever seen, I have found this to be the worst. I have never seen a single film that even comes close on the crap-o-meter to this movie. I hate musicals, on film and on stage. I find them-for lack of a better word-silly. It's actually sort of frustrating because I find myself enjoying the story and suddenly the whole world has burst into synchronized song and dance. This film has the same problem with one exception: The stuff between the music is blisteringly boring. It is so dull that at one point in I eventually burst out laughing. Nothing had happened that was legitimately funny at that point to make me laugh(nothing funny happened in the movie period), and there wasn't a stupid line or anything like that. It was just Kevin Kline and Ashley Judd walking around and I suddenly started laughing hysterically. When a friend asked why I was laughing my response was "It's just so bad." The sheer lousiness of the movie took an overwhelming toll on me and I just couldn't take it anymore, I cracked. And here's the kicker, this all happened within the first half hour of the movie, because we all walked out after that. I spent $9.25 on this movie and I don't want you to make the same mistake. I know the critics seem to have liked the film, forget the critics. This movie just plain sucked. See it if you're a moron.
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