22 August 2004
Warning: Spoilers

i can't believe this movie was actually made. this movie did not need a script. there's no plot or anything resembling a story. this film depended on duff's star power to attract audiences with her again lizzie-like character but failed. Why? because this film was useless and stupid. i mean chad why don't you call the people on sam's cell phone to know who she is? and sam, you're cell phone is missing and you don't even care.

and suddenly they fell in love. right? when did that happen? through the e-mails? you really can't believe by the way they're both acting that they're in love. their dilemma is just who's the mystery girl(which is so obvious) and how do i tell him? there's nothing there to indicate that they actually care for each other.

the sisters here try to be the comic relief but instead you feel sorry for them as actresses because they actually sank this low to look stupid without any reason.

both chad and hilary act minimally here since that is what's needed. no one shines through here. it's just a waste of time to watch. btw, hilary here is very thin.
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