Sometimes you get more than you bargained for
14 April 2004
I watched this little picture off a friend's recommendation who knows I'm a sucker for love stories. I can't help it, I am that hopeless romantic that everybody laughs about. At first I was so turned off by Steve, (male lead) and his overall attitude toward women. He was everything in a man that I dislike, so much I wanted to turn off the film - but that was the filmmakers point. Just in the knick of time, before I could find my remote, Steve is reunited with the female lead, Amy, and he's thrown an unexpected curve ball due to her current circumstances. We've seen this formula done so many different ways in motion pictures, (learning to accept someone's inner beauty) and this attempt was very well executed. There are a few fun cameo appearances, as well, (read the cast list). I'm glad I watched through it.
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