a few safe for the family laffs
20 March 2004
This is a fairly weak follow-up to the original. It lacks the newness and novelty found in first movies, which is to say it offered nothing really new or exciting.

In his movie we already know who he is and what he does. The gadgetry is nothing stunning or new. The special effects are fairly standard.

The biggest chance to go anywhere, and it was completely missed, was for him to at least get a little distracted by the cute flute player, or even the bassoon, woodwind buddy, girl. Granted we cannot let him go into full James Bond mode, but it was an opportunity to make a little something extra in the movie, and it was squandered.

All in all, I am not so wrapped up in or concerned with the stuff critics get off on. I don't need to say something special or controversial to get published. I don't need to rag on a film to feel superior to the great unwashed who pay to see it at the local cinema. I am concerned in being entertained and seeing my family equally entertained.

That said, we were mildly entertained. It will be a safe choice for family movie night from the video store. No one is going to be annoyed by it, but few will be thrilled either.

Save your theater movie, and wait to rent it.
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