Watchful Eye (2002 Video)
Sleepy Eyes
3 February 2004
Shannon (Renee Rea) finds a great place to stay at a nice price not realizing that the house is wired to record the tenants every movie. Think "Sliver" minus the horribly talent-less 'actress' Sharon Stone. The main problem with this movie is that the sex scenes are almost fleetingly short. Once they seem to be getting hot, BAM onto the next "plot building" scene. ALL the actresses are pretty cute and I wouldn't mind seeing any of them in other better movies. But as it stands this film sinks MUCH more often than in swims.

Where i saw it: Showtime-on-demand

The Goods: 7 sex scenes (6 m/f, 1 f/f); a couple bath/ shower scenes & a risque photo shoot

My soft-core Grade: D+
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