Very Important Film
13 July 2004
Ben Franklin once said "Those that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." I think this quote does a great job of summing up a lot of our nation's problems these days. After the terrorist attack of September 11th, the United States as a whole was scared. What resulted was the giving up of freedoms so that we would feel safe from these evil terrorists.

Michael Moore looks at how the Bush Administration, in his eyes, has used fear to push its agenda forward. Now while this is a very topical issue and this film is a must-see, there is a problem. Much of America won't see this film based on principle. Conservatives don't want to go see the Republican President and his polices bashed for two hours. I in no way want to take sides in this argument or talk down at either side of the political spectrum, but there is a point.

People need to stop being so narrow-minded. This is a very important film about the leaders of our country, whether you agree with Mr. Moore (a lot of people don't) or you are a huge Bush supporter (a lot of people aren't). This film should be viewed by everyone, no matter where you are on the political spectrum because it is so important to know what the people you trust to lead your country are doing.

"Fahrenheit 9/11" combines news clips, stock footage and new stuff shot by Moore to bring his monster to life. The film is very entertaining and very thought provoking, to say the least.

Michael Moore's view is obviously skewed and this is something he doesn't deny. If he had it his way Bush would be out of office already, or better yet wouldn't have been in office at all. But what he does here, much like "Bowling for Columbine" is bring up important issues and present the facts that go along with them. Some will argue that these facts aren't too factual, and sure Moore will try to make things sound better for his perspective, but Mr. Moore is a good film maker and also a very good investigator.

This is a film that should be seen by everyone, the sad thing is that this is a film that won't be seen by everyone. Whether you like Moore or you hate him, I recommend you at least watch the movie and then draw your own conclusions. At least have an open mind and see what people have to say, that's what this country was built on.

8 out of 10.
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