Yes, I'm a Conservative...
10 August 2004
...but not a George W Bush fan. In 2000 I was outraged at how he took office in blatant violation of democracy. Yes, democracy - recall Florida? The first ten minutes of the film showed what I already knew and believed to be true. For me, a Republican politically, this man could not, should not be have been president. What was America thinking?!

Fahrenheit 9/11 is of course contrived in parts, sometimes a mockumentary. But there are some already known facts regardless:

  • Dubya and daddy Bush were/are buddies of the Saudis - corrupt and human rights abusing Arab rulers. There were several favors traded - no kidding.

  • Dubya isn't the smartest, true to popular belief and this is constantly reinforced by his actions. Do we need examples?! How can we be OK on this guy's watch?!

  • Dubya certainly still can't account for his time in the Texas Air National Guard.

  • Lastly, and most shocking, HOW on earth were the Bin Laden family allowed to leave the country 2 days after Sept 11 2001? How could anyone in the administration think that they may not know something, how could it be OK to allow them passage?!

  • The US and Saddam were buddies. Oh lookit Rumsfeld and Saddam together!

  • Iraq may be ruled by a bastard that needed to be taken out. Sure. But this war reeked of personal vendetta. There could have been more thought toward an internal coup, look how many Iraqi officials became turncoats so quickly! Instead we have a fast mounting American death toll, in addition to that of Iraqi civilians.

Now if someone in the GOP would challenge this president and show him for what he is. Bush-II should NOT be re-elected. Well, just elected - remember he stole the 2000 election.

Given all this, Fahrenheit 9/11 was eminently satisfying to watch. Yes, it was contrived, so what - the Prez isn't exactly honorable by me.
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