Review of Post Impact

Post Impact (2004)
Pure trash
21 June 2004
Of all the movies that I have seen about the earth being struck by a comet/meteor this is by far the worse. It is even worse then "Meteor", a movie made a number of years ago and starring Sean Connery. By the time I was 30 minutes into the film I realized that it was loosely following a format similar to another SciFi channel movie, "Ice". Both movies had people trying to survive in blizzard like conditions with similar character types. At the 1 hour point I turned it off and watched Gilligan's Island reruns. I really don't care how the movie turned out. One big problem with this movie, besides the lousy script, is that they don't get the science right. In this movie it wasn't until the comet became plainly visible in the night sky that someone "figured out" that it was going to hit the earth in a few hours. As an amateur astronomer I can guarantee you that long, long before this comet would become this visible in the sky it's orbit would have been calculated. Also, if it was close enough to collide with the earth our planet would be very close, if not within the coma, and no stars would be visible at all.
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