Review of Elephant

Elephant (2003)
How bad is this movie?
7 May 2004
Well, for starters there appears to be no coherent timeline. I find it very difficult to follow a film when I'm not even sure what is going on is occurring when it's occurring. Introducing characters in the final stages of the film?

Gus Van Zant's take on the Columbine massacre runs like a 5th grade play gone horribly awry. 'Elephant' is the biggest joke played on the movie going public since this overrated hack of a director brought us his vision of Alfred Hitchcock's classic 'Psycho'

Much of the acting was improvised, and it clearly shows. Characters are wooden, dull, lifeless and all appear to be in a perpetual state of boredom. No doubt an attempt to make the audience feel part of the film. How this pile of feces won any award short of the Imodium AD 'oozer of the day' is beyond me.

Much was made about the homosexual kiss between the two actors that turn out to be the killers. Big deal, if you pay attention (assuming you can stay awake that long) you clearly hear one comment that he's never kissed anyone. When you expect to die, you want to experience what you'll be missing out on.


Once in the high school and the shooting starts, it's patently unbelievable. One kid is warned and then he promptly runs around the building, yet tells no one to call the police??? A human form, be it a teacher or student, walks around while they're waiting for their bomb to explode in the cafeteria, sees them, and just walk off as well. Students see a classmate shot and just calmly walk around the room?

One killer shoots the other? Obviously an attempt to reference the long disproved myth that Eric shot Dylan. I have the photos; the bodies have clearly been moved.


'Elephant' is so bad a movie as to expose the international movie clique as nothing more than mindless sheep that can be easily swayed into honoring garbage so as to not appear to have not 'gotten it'.

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