Review of Target

Target (2004)
24 March 2004
This film follows the standard crappy movie formula. Remote desert, abandoned buildings, a park, some headsets, some guns, 1 decent actor, 40$ worth of computer effects, and a script written in 20 minutes.

What I found especially bad (funny) was how the actors constantly talk to themselves out loud in the most unnatural manner, so as to explain to us what is already completely obvious. The dialogue is one of the worst I've ever seen, with the hero's wife topping it all off with the worst acting imaginable.

If you're looking for some special forces nifty hand to hand combat, dont rent this movie. If you're looking for something ala Sniper, dont rent this movie. If you're looking for some all guns blazing action, dont rent this movie. If you're looking for realism, don't rent this movie.

There is nothing here. 1 out of 10.
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