Do not go and see this film
23 February 2004
I've never felt as consistently nauseous, appalled and disgusted while sitting through a film, as I did when watching Sex Lives of the Potato Men. In fact I wouldn't have stayed beyond the first 15 minutes if I hadn't been reviewing it for work. This film will seriously damage the careers of both Johnny Vegas and Mackenzie Crook, undoing all the good work of Blackball and Pirates of the Caribbean. While on paper it looks like a fun, if slightly risque, lads film. In reality it takes its inspiration more from the lowest dregs of the top-shelf magazines. The men are all sex-obsessed, which is fair enough in movie terms - hey it worked for three installments of American Pie! However, these guys have no redeeming factors, they are repellent, debased, and insulting to both men and women. Quite easily the worst film ever, because it is intentionally repulsive.
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