Reviewers missed the point
27 February 2004
This film has been treated most unfairly.

If the message of the film was 'these men are always lusting after and getting sex-isn't that great!', then I would agree with the comments about it being 'for morons' as one reviewer put it.

However, these men are losers. They lust after sex, and it always goes wrong. There is no titillation involved. We are not encouraged to see them as some kind of super-studs that young lads would want to emulate.

We are not laughing about sex or bodily functions, we are laughing about the ridiculous image that sex has in the media, where everyone is young, fit and beautiful, they all have orgasms every time and everyone is 'at it' day and night with no ill effects.

I find it amusing that the reviewers that work for the media which promote the fake views of sex, have failed to see the point here.

I must add here that it is a credit to the film-makers that they never stooped to nudity in the film. All too often we are presented with naked women in films for no apparent reason. Here it would have been more justified, but the film-makers have realised that the audience has an imagination-we don't need to watch the group sex to know that it is there etc.

Overall I found this film to be extremely funny. There was no embarrassment in the audience with people feeling free to guffaw at any joke they found amusing, even if they were the only one that got it.

If I were to suggest any problems with the film, I would say that some of the Tolly storyline went a bit far-I was most concerned when he brought the octopus home, for example.

However it will be a long time before the image of Tolly enjoying his sandwich, whilst Johnny Vegas is trying to eat his cereal will leave my head.

Final verdict Crude, but not gratuitous. Hilariously funny. Misunderstood. Not for granny.
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