Clean House (2003–2011)
Worst show...EVER
26 August 2004
E! has had a range of "ups" and "downs" in the business. True Hollywood Story is fantastic. But this may be the worst television show to ever be dumped (steaming pile style) on the viewing audience. Dull premise, annoying talent, overly pleased with itself...watching this show is like dating Ed Brinkly - at the end of the date, it just doesn't put out. The executives working on this project should be canned.

Reality TV can be interesting and engaging, but only when the personalities are intriguing and honest. Everything about this show radiates a bunch of idiots sitting around at table planning "the next not-so-original-money-maker".

"Old Yeller" was put down to spare him any further pain. E! should clean its own house and spare US anymore pain.
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