England Expects (2004 TV Movie)
It Didn`t Really Exceed My Expectations But It Tried
6 April 2004
Warning: Spoilers
One of the problems I have with the BBC is how politically correct it is , political correctness being an inverted fascist philosophy I have no time for , I`m an adult and I can make up my own mind on issues without the BBC doing a long running story on EASTENDERS dealing with race issues or having to put up with agenda driven " entertainment " like ALL ABOUT ME telling me what to think . In short I wasn`t expecting much from ENGLAND EXPECTS a much hyped drama from the BBC dealing with racism

!!!!! SPOILERS !!!!!

It starts off well with the underrated Steven McIntosh playing Ray who works as a security guard . He`s best friends with a collegue who is not only black but who makes jokes about Asians and 9/11 so right away we`re not seeing an expected polemical diatribe that shows white people = bad and non white people = good . An even bigger shock arrives when we see a smack dealer who`s Asian and who is selling drugs to Ray`s teenage daughter ! This is not a drama where the BBC sticks its ridiculous PC nonsense down the audience throats and for that it deserves much credit . However despite its opening ENGLAND EXPECTS falls apart , due not to the politics but due to gaps in logic , characterisation and some weak scripting

It`s never revealed onscreen as to which organization Ray was a " vanguard " member of providing physical protection to the unnamed party shown , but it`s almost certainly the British National Party is the one in question which means Ray is a former member of the notorious Combat 18 . Would a one time C-18 member EVER be friendly with a black collegue at work ? Wouldn`t it have been better to portray Ray as a completely average Joe ? Oh and Ray later starts stalking a woman at work which is a rather unconvincing and unnecessary subplot , and most unconvincing of all Ray dies in a completely contrived manner at the end , an ending that hints we`re about to be on the recieving end of a bombing campaign by teenage racist virgins living in bedsits !

ENGLAND EXPECTS does deserve some credit . It`s not really patronizing and I can`t really fault it on the grounds of being politically correct , in fact it does make the point that a large section of the mainstream white population are alienated by weak politicians and strong market forces in Britain today but this teleplay doesn`t reach its full potential . If the production team had spent a little more time making Ray a little more credible in terms of both characterization and motive and had come up with a better ending this would have been devestating and unforgettable , it would have been British TV drama at its best
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