Glasgowland (2003)
A little too arty for my tastes but still worth seeing
14 November 2003
A young woman grows a garden of love with her tears, which also make her see things that aren't really there. A robotic fish comes into her life and shows her a man who is growing a garden of hate and literally p*ssing his life away. She uses her love to try and reach him.

I accept that some films will go over my head totally but yet be the most beautiful and amazing thing that another viewer has ever seen on the basis that it speaks to them - however it doesn't always mean that I will forgive a film if it is deliberately inaccessible. That is sort of the case with this one. The plot is pretty hard to get a grip on and, while I'm sure someone somewhere will be moved to tears by it, I'm afraid that I just couldn't get into it. The film is amusing in it's presentation but the plot went over my head.

For me, it was the fact that the film seemed to be aimed a little on the arty/meaningful side rather than looking at it's entertainment value. This, in my experience, is unusual for Blackwatch films as they have a pretty reliable hit rate when it comes to be entertaining as part of whatever else it is aiming to do. However the wit in the presentation and the inventive style of the animation still made it worth watching if only the plot hadn't been so hard to get into.

The voice work is pretty amusing - the dialogue is written as a English translation, with all the unusual word use that comes with that. The accent is pretty cool and the "Microsoft Sam" fish is funny enough to help you get past his slightly heavy dialogue.

Overall this was one of the lesser Blackwatch films from the 2003 batch that I have seen thus far, however that is not to say it is not without merit as the animation style is inventive and engaging. If only the plot had allowed the film to be more enjoyable and less artsy then I might have got into it more.
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