From one Steve Bailey to another - Terrific show!
1 September 2004
I don't like "reality tv", especially AMERICAN reality tv; but this show is awesome. I was hooked from the start. The idea was SO unique and original. Randi Coy (a real-life Barbie doll) is offered $500,000 to pretend she's taken part in a reality show and fallen in love with "Steve", a fellow contestant. To win the money she has to allow a crew to film her and Steve together & with her family, friends and colleagues. She's got to announce their Engagement and get them all to come to their almost instant "wedding", where the truth will finally be revealed. The real 'show' will be the harmless fun they have, shocking everyone by pretending to be an item. Of course, we know (and Randi doesn't) that it's HER who's being set up more than anyone. She thinks Steve is simply a regular guy on the same $500,000 promise as herself. He's actually an actor (and an extremely talented one)and his 'brief' is to be as obnoxious and embarrassing as possible. From start to finish, it's hilarious. SO many times I actually had to 1/2 look away from the screen, it's that 'cringe-worthy' I've heard people say the show was cruel and that it almost tore the Coy family apart. Well, so what. Families THAT perfect deserve it :) I really loved the way Randi's family got so carried away by their shock they never stopped to wonder if they were being scammed. Jesus. All those cameras and film crew, and they never suspected. Doh!! Having said that, I thought Randi was actually a really nice girl. The show put her through hell and I'm sure she'll be a better person for it. The scene where she had to share supper with Steve's "family", especially his death-obsessed "sister", was priceless. Time and time again I thought Randi's Dad would either physically attack Steve, or call him aside and try to pay him off. Steve Bailey was just excellent. Completely professional. You can tell there were times where he wanted to 'reveal all' or play things down to avoid hurting Randi's feelings, but no. He played it straight and helped her win the money. In spite of looking and sounding like the little brother of Michael Moore (a REAL fat obnoxious guy), I think Steve Bailey's a star in the making, and I hope to see him in some major roles in the future. I didn't think the show was cruel because IT didn't make fools of Randi and her family. It allowed them to make clowns of themselves, and I hope they'll be laughing about it for years to come. Yeah, delightful.
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