27 July 2004
This is a fun comedy about an emperor in an ancient kingdom with 12 princes and now is overjoyed at the birth of a daughter. (geesh, his wife must be happy too!) However...she is stricken with a strange affliction-an overpowering horrible body order. (the baby princess is so cute) Well, the emperor tries to find a cure to help this lovely princess, the wonderful Miriam Yeung. = I watched this aboard SINGAPORE AIRLINES (incredible list of films to watch...over 60...many international). I had to catch myself several times for I was laughing out loud over the fun antics. The beginning of the first half of the film is a stunning comedy. It does slow down a bit in the middle, thank goodness, then has a very nice ending, though predictable. due to the absolute fun trip, one is totally forgiving to the predictable ending. = The cast was great...Ms. Yeung was incredible. Perfect timing and just lovely. It seemed the whole cast must of had a blast making this film. The 'bloopers' at the end of the film were not translated, and they would of been enjoyed by those who loved the film. = Lots of silliness, enjoyable and visually beautiful. Costumes and settings were stunning.
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